Thursday, April 5, 2012

What If?

Renewing faith, believing again... those are the stuff dreams are made of. Realizing that perhaps the errors of our ways haven't turned into irreversible mistakes... yet.

Facebook, Hulu, NBA, tabloids, drugs, dying polar bears, BPA-toxicity - what could be held accountable for the collective abandonment of our desire to engage in the process of overseeing our nation's return to being the beacon of freedom, prosperity and unprecedented possibility? Why is the pervasive apathy of the general populace so strong and hypnotic that it paralyzes us into a state of resigned submission to the world created around us, usurping in entirety our desire to change? 

Why have we lost our will to fight? Are we exhausted from the constant broken promises? Are we tired of the formulaic lies and deceit that are stuffed down our throat by production-line politicians that cyclicly break our hearts and perpetuate a system we have always, as a nation, never agreed with? 

No to WAR

Our parents made that pretty clear. Give the Vietnamese people their country back. Our parents protested, and we watched. Maybe we walked with them. We learnt how passion produces peace before we understood what those words meant. We felt it, and knew it was right. 

And we know these wars are wrong. No excuses

They will be fine without us. They lived before us, we tried to kill them, but they will recover, because that is what humans do. We stand up, dust off the dirt. Even through blood, sweat and tears; through loss, grief and death; we live. And we hope that someday, we will smile and laugh and believe again.

We destroy them, and then guiltily rebuild. 

We kill their children, don't apologize. give them guns and then wonder why they hate us.

We pollute their water, eviscerate their food supply and then drop granola bars from planes on their lands. 

We allow ourselves to be humiliated, and readily turn into drones that lay supinely on the floor, clutching on to the promise and delusional hope that is dangled  before us while our most fundamental liberties are violated. Fear is the best way to compel a group of sensible people to give up their rights, trading in safety for liberty. Think chains and shackles. Think Gitmo. Think National Defense Authorization Act

Watch this video

Now, remember that justice is indivisible, said MLK Jr. So are peace, freedom and liberty. The suffering we inflict on to others is not foreign, far away and distant. Tyrannical oppression based on preposterous notions that lead to impoverishment and death, in not one or two or ten but one hundred and thirty countries in the world. 130. Count to 130. It takes a while, doesn't it? 

The Constitution is our founding document and embodies our first principles of personal liberty, sound money and personal freedom. A return to those principles would truly mean substantive change, which will help us put the pieces of our shredded Constitution back together. 

We've drifted so far, drowned so deep in debt, lost so many of our rights, fought so many fruitless wars. If we don't rock the boat now, we're going to sink with it. We can't continue on this path as it bankrupts us financially, intellectually and morally - the culmination of which leads to the deprivation of what makes us human. 

All we are saying is
a chance

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